
Our Vision

Sustainable Groundwater for All


Our Mission

The Groundwater Resources Association of California is dedicated to resource management that protects and improves groundwater supply and quality through education and technical leadership


Expand, Engage, Lead

On behalf of the Groundwater Resources Association (GRA) Board of Directors, we are pleased to present our three-year Strategic Plan, ‘Expand, Engage and Lead’ and 2024 work plan. The Board of Directors are comprised of a dedicated group of groundwater leaders and we believe in providing high-quality education, technical leadership and service for our members and others. The strategic plan reflects Director and GRA Leadership interviews, feedback and priorities identified through a series of virtual planning sessions held in late 2023 and includes reflections from our previous multiyear plan and progress. 



Committee rosters and contact information are available on the links below

Membership and Communications

Strategic Goal:

Brand GRA as the leading groundwater organization.


Events, Education & Affiliates

Strategic Goal:

Advance the understanding and importance of groundwater through education.



Strategic Goal:

Be a technical resource for the GRA Board, GRA members and the public on best practices in hydrogeology.


Legislative Advocacy

Strategic Goal:

Promote awareness, Policy and Funding for Sustainable Groundwater.




Administrative Committees

Executive Committee and Task Forces

Finance Committee