- AB 129 Bloom- Waste management – plastic microfiber
- This bill would declare the intent of the Legislature to, among other things, enact legislation to recognize the emerging threat that microfibers pose to the environment and water quality and would make related findings and declarations.
- GRA watch position
- AB 134 Bloom - Safe, clean, affordable, and accessible drinking water
- This bill would state findings and declarations relating to the intent of the Legislature to adopt policies to ensure that every Californian has the right to safe, clean, affordable, and accessible drinking water.
- GRA watch position
- AB 223 – Stone – California Safe Drinking Water Act - microplastics
- This bill would require the state board, to the extent possible, and where feasible and cost effective, to work with the State Department of Public Health in complying with the California Safe Drinking Water Act requirements.
- GRA watch position
- AB 231 Mathis – CEQA exemption - recycled water
- This bill would exempt from CEQA a project to construct or expand a recycled water pipeline for the purpose of mitigating drought conditions for which a state of emergency was proclaimed by the Governor if the project meets specified criteria. The bill would also exempt from CEQA the development and approval of building standards by state agencies for recycled water systems.
- GRA watch position
- AB 292 Quirk – Recycled water – raw water and groundwater augmentation
- This bill would eliminate the definition of “direct potable reuse” and instead would substitute the term “groundwater augmentation” for “indirect potable reuse for groundwater recharge” in these definitions. The bill would require, on or before December 31, 2023, the state board to adopt uniform water recycling criteria for raw water augmentation.
- GRA watch position
- AB 336 Mathis – Sustainable groundwater management
- This bill would make non-substantive changes in a definition used in SGMA.
- GRA watch position
- SB 19 Dodd – Water resources – stream gages
- This bill would require the Department of Water Resources and the board, upon an appropriation of funds by the Legislature, to develop a plan to deploy a network of stream gages that includes a determination of funding needs and opportunities for modernizing and reactivating existing gages and deploying new gages, as specified. The bill would require the department and the board, in consultation with the Department of Fish and Wildlife, the Department of Conservation, the Central Valley Flood Protection Board, interested stakeholders, and, to the extent they wish to consult, local agencies, to develop the plan to address significant gaps in information necessary for water management and the conservation of freshwater species. The bill would require the Department of Water Resources and the board to give priority in the plan to placing or modernizing and reactivating stream gages where lack of data contributes to conflicts in water management or where water can be more effectively managed for multiple benefits and to consider specified criteria in developing the plan.
- GRA support position
- SB 45 Allen – Wildfire, Drought, and Flood protection bond act of 2020
- This bill would enact the Wildfire, Drought, and Flood Protection Bond Act of 2020, which, if approved by the voters, would authorize the issuance of bonds in an unspecified amount pursuant to the State General Obligation Bond Law to finance projects to restore fire damaged areas, reduce wildfire risk, create healthy forest and watersheds, reduce climate impacts on urban areas and vulnerable populations, protect water supply and water quality, protect rivers, lakes, and streams, reduce flood risk, protect fish and wildlife from climate impacts, improve climate resilience of agricultural lands, and protect coastal lands and resources. This bill would provide for the submission of these provisions to the voters at the 2020 election.
- GRA watch position
- SB 134 – Hertzberg – Water conservation – water loss performance standards - enforcement
- This bill would prohibit the board from imposing liability for a violation of the performance standards for the volume of water losses except as part of the enforcement of an urban water use objective.
- GRA watch position
- SB 200 Monning – Safe and Affordable Drinking Water Fund
- This bill would establish the Safe and Affordable Drinking Water Fund in the State Treasury and would provide that moneys in the fund are available, upon appropriation by the Legislature, to the board to provide a stable source of funding to secure access to safe drinking water for all Californians, while also ensuring the long-term sustainability of drinking water service and infrastructure.
- GRA watch position