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Join GRA

If your organization is already a member of GRA, go here to join your organization as a representative:
Employees of an Organization/Voting Corporate Member

If you are joining as an organization and have multiple employees that are joining GRA, go here: Organization/Voting Corporate Members

If you are an individual joining GRA, go here:
Individual Members


Notes on Membership:

  • If you are joining GRA after March 31st your dues to renew for the next year (your second year off membership) will be reduced on a quarterly basis. More details on proration...
  • To facilitate the free exchange of information between and among its membership and the education of the public at large, GRA may make a member’s name, place of business and address (“Member Contact Information”) available to GRA members and non-members alike. GRA discourages the use of Member Contact Information for solicitation purposes and reserves the sole discretion to deny any request for information about one or more of its members not reasonably related to the interests of the GRA and its members.